A London based designer, Suzannah (IG: @experimental_new_worlds) blends her background in design with a unique artistic vision. Immersed in the realms of sci-fi, fantasy, and surrealism, her artworks stand as gateways to otherworldly places, complete with captivating landscapes and enigmatic alien life forms. Whether it's a glimpse of a futuristic city or the tranquility of an alien terrain, her pieces harmoniously blend the borders of reality and imagination.

Her technique is underpinned by a keen eye for detail and a flair for storytelling. Through her work, Suzannah invites viewers on a visual journey, challenging perceptions and encouraging exploration beyond the familiar.

Meet Suzannah!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

I work as a Product Designer for a tech start-up in London. I’ve always loved everything creative since I was a child. When I’m not designing for my job, I love tinkering with more traditional mediums such as oil, as well as the digital realm of AI, animation and 3D.

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and especially AI and enjoy following a few substacks on this topic, such as ‘New World Same Humans’. As for AI and art, I initially got into this with DALL·E in its early days alongside friends, competing to see who could generate the weirdest artwork. I took a break from it, but recently, I've rekindled my interest and was amazed by its progress, especially on platforms such as Midjourney and RunwayML. I’ve been hooked ever since.

Who or what are your artistic inspirations, and how do they influence your work?

I’m inspired by the worlds of the sci-fi and fantasy books and video games I consume. I also draw inspiration from traditional surreal artists like Tanning, Ernst, and Dali. They compel me to use AI as a creative outlet for my more surreal and unique dreams.

Furthermore, I'm inspired by the AI community - it's advancing rapidly, and there are some incredible innovations taking place. I’m truly thankful for communities such as ‘Women AI Artists’.

How do you approach the creative process when working with AI?

I love how experimental you can be with Midjourney. I feel like I'm brimming with ideas but just need to find the time to execute them all. The endless potential of AI energizes me. I like how you can incorporate other mediums, such as your own sketching or photography - something I am exploring and want to do more of. It's also fun to finesse creations in Photoshop Beta, and even experiment with how you can push things further with animation in AE. I'm still learning new techniques each day and just loving the process.

How has working with AI in art influenced your mental and emotional wellbeing?

Working with AI in art has felt like the ultimate escapism. I get to visit all these other worlds and there is the opportunity for endless creative storytelling. You get lost and time falls away.

In your opinion, how does AI redefine the concept of creativity and artistic agency, and how do you see it impacting the future of art?

It feels like we are entering exciting new territories. There are opportunities to synthesise different mediums - traditional vs the new - in novel, uncharted ways. For me, AI offers unbounded opportunities to craft, juxtapose and amalgamate.

For more of Suzannah’s incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account: @experimental_new_worlds


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