Featuring Bonnie (@bonnietsang), an LA-based AI artist and photographer whose work has inspired many. Each frame captured by Bonnie unfolds a poetic narrative. She blends distinct mediums like paintings, drawings, and photographs with AI to craft an ethereal world awash in pastel hues. Intricate details like delicate flowers, whimsical mushrooms, paper cuts, and bubbles come to life in her compositions.

Her portrayals of women—figures from all walks of life—are both diverse and unified, often seamlessly blending into the landscapes they inhabit. Presented alone, in pairs, or in harmonious groups, these characters exude calm and neutrality, providing a serene pause in a world of tumultuous emotions. Dancing on the intersections of fashion, nature, sci-fi, and portraiture, Bonnie's work invites viewers into a dreamscape where reality and fantasy intertwine.

Meet Bonnie!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

I am a mom and a photographer. I wasn’t interested in AI art at first. In fact, I was against it. I tried it, just so I could have full right to explain why I was against it. And, of course, I was hooked.

Who or what are your artistic inspirations, and how do they influence your work?

It’s not one person or one thing that inspire me, it’s the everyday life, it’s listening to and feeling for others’ stories, it’s all the artists’ work I was exposed to in the past, it’s the experiences of ancestors passing down through my genes.

How do you approach the creative process when working with AI?

I start by blending my own drawings, paintings, and photographs together to see what emerges. Often, the colors and patterns spark ideas. If I encounter a creative block, I stop working and step away. The process of letting go, dying, and being reborn is crucial.

How do you balance your work in AI art with other professional or personal pursuits?

Currently, I see AI art as a creative outlet, so I don't dedicate too much time to it. I use Midjourney and purposefully select the 'Relax' mode, allowing me to set my phone aside and take a break. To achieve balance in life, one must understand oneself well. Spending time with my loved ones gives my life meaning, so family takes up most of my time. However, without enough alone time, I can become easily agitated, making it important for me to ask for help when needed. I find meditation, whether it's sitting still with my eyes closed or splashing paint onto a large canvas, helps clear my mind and strengthen my connection with the Source. I strive to do this at least once a week. Thus, I structure my day around what makes me a better person each day. Life is always changing, so the way I 'slice the pie' constantly evolves too.

How has working with AI in art influenced your mental and emotional wellbeing?

AI art has been a good meditative outlet to me. I don’t expect much from it, so it’s been quite relaxing to let my imagination play.

What advice would you give to other women who are interested in AI art?

Keep trying, keep learning and don’t set an expectation.

For more of Bonnie’s incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account: @bonnietsang


011 Interview: Suzannah/experimental new worlds


009 Interview: Alîn/electro.moth