Meet Emily!

Emily, also known as Solar Fiction ig:, is an AI artist from Arkansas whose distinctive style captivates viewers with its evocative and introspective nature. Known for sharing three images that explore a specific concept, Emily's artwork revolves around the creation of intriguing and enchanting characters. Each character is thoughtfully depicted in environments that intricately correspond to their personas, drawing the viewer into their narrative. With the masterful use of soft lighting, pastel colors, and a touch of melancholy, Emily's art elicits a sense of quiet contemplation and a hint of solitude. These characters embody a sense of longing, evoking a delicate balance between sadness and the possibility of transformation. Through her artwork, Emily invites us to join these characters on their enigmatic journey of self-discovery.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

I initially got interested in AI around Christmas last year (2022). I kept seeing these "weird, vintage Christmas photography" once I discovered they were created using a platform called Midjourney I was like, okay, I have a discord. I can figure this out. A month later I had a subscription and was just sharing on my personal Instagram. A friend suggested that I make a separate account just for my AI images and SolarFiction was born.

Can you walk us through your creative process when working with AI?

I take a lot of inspiration from books that I read, and poetry. Poetry translates really well into AI images. The little descriptions really help in AI imagery. But really I just make images of things I like. You'll find lots of weird forest creatures, aliens and insects, mushrooms, and flowers in my posts. Lots and lots of flowers.

What kind of message do you hope your art conveys to viewers?

It's pretty simple for me. I just want viewers to feel a little "oh! I really like that!" I also try and pair the perfect song or soundbite with each of my images. I feel like it helps get what I'm personally feeling about my images across to people who view them as well.

I think AI will have a big impact on art in the future. Helping artists by giving them new ideas and the tools to create. It can also make art more accessible to people who aren't traditionally trained artists, like myself. I see myself in the future hopefully still creating interesting and odd images. I'd also hope to connect more with other artists as well. Collaboration pieces are some of my favorites.

How do you see AI impacting the future of art, and where do you see yourself in that future?

What advice would you give to other women who are interested in AI art?

Remember, as a woman in the field of AI art, your unique perspective and creativity can contribute to shaping the future of this exciting intersection. So, believe in yourself, embrace the journey, and create art that reflects your vision and passion.

For more of Emily's incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account:


002 Interview: Alexandra/alxndraai