Alexandra, also known as @alxndraai, is a talented artist from Cyprus who currently resides in London. Her captivating AI art pieces transport viewers to a realm of fashion and magical places, where the awe-inspiring beauty of mother nature is celebrated. Through her work, she weaves a spell of sparkly wonder and invites us into a world reminiscent of fairytales, adorned with soft pastel colors. Inspired by captivating locations around the globe, Alexandra's creative portraits capture the essence of feminine energy and evoke a sense of the divine. With her artistic flair, she brings forth a touch of fantasy, infusing architectural elements into her mesmerizing creations. Each artwork exudes a goddess-like aura, immersing the audience in a realm where dreams and reality harmoniously coexist.

Meet Alexandra!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

Well, I really enjoy anything creative, like photography and writing. It's one of the things that makes me content. Several months ago I was going through some things personally at the time. Usually my normal hobbies would help but I was finding it hard to relax and decompress so I was hoping I could find any other creative outlet that could ease my mind a little. One day on Instagram I was flipping through my feed when I kept seeing these really amazing images. I started looking at the tags to see if they named the programme that they were using. That's when I saw Midjourney pop up several times. And as they say, the rest is history.

Can you walk us through your creative process when working with AI?

In the beginning I was trying to find what best suits me. So I was testing everything and anything. I then settled on themes that interlaced fashion, architecture and/or fantasy. I tend to go with colour themes first and then decide on the subject matter.

What kind of message do you hope your art conveys to viewers?

This is a tough one to answer, and something I haven't really thought about. I am just creating because I like it. It was always meant for me and not for others. It's great that people do like what I display. But it is not the driving force of why I do it. So I guess if anyone does stumble across my page then I hope they get a little inspiration in the colours and whimsy of it all.

I tend to look for inspiration anywhere really. Whether it's fashion designers or painters or sculptures, even architecture and literature. I get inspired from many different things.

Who/what are your biggest artistic inspirations, and how have they influenced your work?

How do you see AI impacting the future of art, and where do you see yourself in that future?

We have already seen it blow up massively in the last year, and it has already impacted art and creative industries. It will only get bigger. But I do wonder how far it can go before it becomes too overwhelming. Guess we will see! Either way I see myself in this space for the long haul.

I have recently done a series that take a look at animals in the Serengeti and I do love how they turned out.

Can you talk about a specific project or piece that you're particularly proud of?

I think in general the AI community has been welcoming to all! This is a space where people enjoy the medium and support one another, whether you're a woman or not. I have had discussions with many people and not one time did I ever get the sense that it was a challenge simply because I was a woman. I can't say the same for some of those 9-5 jobs out there though.

As a woman in AI art, have you faced any challenges?

What advice would you give to other women who are interested in AI art?

To create anything is a beautiful thing. No matter the medium it helps to ease your mind, centres you and aids in growing your imagination to new levels. I think AI art shows you that the possibilities are endless. It helps you think outside the box. So I would say, keep exploring. Get in touch with fellow explorers. Go through google's art and culture glossary site and learn about different artists and then go where the wind takes you.

For more of Alexandra’s incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account: @alxandraai


003 Interview: Mara/


001 Interview: Emily/SolarFiction