Meet heirofthedog!

Introducing Heirofthedog, a talented artist based in Portland, Oregon, known for crafting mesmerizing pastel worlds where the boundaries of reality blur, and unexpected elements spring to life. With a remarkable gift for transcending the bounds of imagination, Heirofthedog's AI artwork conjures up surreal imagery, sometimes featuring eerie creatures and otherworldly beings that captivate the imagination. Their creations effortlessly blend elements of daily life with fantastical details, resulting in truly mesmerizing compositions.

Infusing everyday spaces and scenes with a touch of the unexpected, Heirofthedog skillfully breathes life into ethereal landscapes, showcasing a diverse array of beings. Their work exudes a poetic quality, beautifully capturing the essence of enigmatic women within their strange and captivating realms. Through meticulous curation, Heirofthedog's artistry shines, particularly in their masterful use of color, weaving themes of beautiful chaos, connection, and the allure of twins or twin flames.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

I am a 34-year-old individual residing in Portland, Oregon, originally from Los Angeles. Recently, I moved to this city with my partner and our lively crew of five: four cats and a dog named Banjo. Creating has always been a part of my life, in one form or another. I still remember proudly declaring during a presentation in fourth grade, 'What will I be when I grow up?' and making a vow to become an artist. I completed my bachelor's degree in sculpture and graphic design at California State University, Northridge, in 2014. Since then, I have explored various career paths. I worked as a freelance graphic designer for a few years, gained experience in production at a stop-motion animation company, obtained my yoga teacher certification, and then transitioned into a role as a yoga therapist, which incorporates its own set of artistic abilities. However, due to the pandemic, I found an entry-level position with a film and television data analytics company, where I unleash my creativity during my downtime.

Who or what are your artistic inspirations, and how do they influence your work?

As cliché as it may sound, art imitates life (and vice versa — if you approach it correctly). I enjoy taking long walks, listening to music, and spending time outdoors. Whenever inspiration strikes, I jot down my thoughts in a tiny blue notebook that I always keep in my bag. Although it may not be the most foolproof method to capture my ideas before they vanish into thin air, there are times when I revisit my notes and find myself pondering over phrases like 'doorframe windowpane' without a clue. Additionally, I sometimes find solace in doodling an image that persists in my mind, just to release it from its incessant loop.

How do you approach the creative process when working with AI?

The ebb and flow of the creative process, particularly when working with AI, is a unique endeavor. Initially, it was challenging to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of translating the ideas from my mind into a machine that could decipher their meaning, if any. Since my introduction to this new medium earlier this year, the learning curve has been thrillingly steep. Now, in the midst of this creative journey, I often find myself inundated with a wealth of possibilities, which can be overwhelming.

I would characterize it as more of a curative process than a strictly creative one. It involves carefully selecting the most visually pleasing elements and adjusting the image render as necessary to achieve the desired outcome. Embracing creative blocks is crucial, as they become stepping stones for growth, propelling me to explore uncharted territories within this AI-driven process that diverges significantly from traditional art mediums. It entails not wielding a paintbrush on canvas but rather influencing a machine to yield that metaphorical paintbrush by communicating in a language we are both still acquiring.

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or not, who would it be and why?

Without a doubt, Frida Kahlo would be my choice. I had the opportunity to visit her house and art studio in Mexico City, and I fell deeply in love with her work. She was an extraordinary and fearless artist, a true badass. If she were alive today, it would be an immense honor for me to collaborate with her.

For more of heirofthedog’s incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account: @heirofthedog


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