Floriane is an artistic talent from Nantes, France, who operates under the name @floow.ai on Instagram.

By day, Floriane is an Art Director, but her passion for art doesn't end with her day job. With a unique style that balances minimalism and beauty, she's carved a niche for herself in the AI art world. Her images are distinctive, often portraying a lone figure immersed in a minimalist landscape. The use of color is sparing yet striking, with one or two hues skillfully chosen to highlight the human figure or portrait, creating a profound visual impact.

What sets Floriane's work apart is her ability to express a wide range of emotions in such a subtle manner. Each piece resonates with viewers differently, reflecting the breadth of human experience and the complexity of emotion.

Meet Floriane!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

My name is Floriane, more commonly known by my pseudonym @floow.ai, and I live in Nantes, France. Apart from this account, I serve as an artistic director at a communications agency where the concept of art and creativity forms a vital part of my everyday routine. My work ranges from crafting advertising campaigns and websites, to occasionally shooting photographs or videos for my clients, and even handling social media. The diversity of tasks is what truly invigorates me about my job.

I first came across Midjourney in the summer of 2022, but it wasn't until January 2023 that I really began exploring its potential. Initially, I viewed Midjourney as a fresh tool to assist me in generating ideas, but it has since evolved into a significant means of expression for me.

Photography has always held a special place in my heart. I've been brimming with ideas for photo series, but time constraints often rendered them as mere thoughts. Midjourney, for me, has turned into a platform where I can bring these ideas to fruition.

Can you walk us through your creative process when working with AI?

I initiate the process with a fundamental prompt and supplement it with words that channel my vision for the image. I run various tests, occasionally realizing that my word choices may not be perfect, nudging me to reconsider and think differently. To me, using Midjourney is similar to speaking a second language - if the right words elude us, we're obliged to rethink our phrasing for effective communication.

Initially, my objective was to conjure images using nothing but words, eliminating the need for reference images. I strived to avoid creating work overly influenced by someone else's art, hence my focus on using 'words' exclusively. But then again, this methodology might evolve in the future.

How do you incorporate your personal experiences and emotions into your AI art, and how does it shape the final outcome?

I derive inspiration from every corner, even though it might sound cliché. It could be a simple conversation, a random encounter on the street, or a heartfelt discussion that ignites fresh ideas within me. Often, while I'm working on one concept, another intriguing idea blossoms. I must admit, serendipity plays a crucial role in my creative process. For me, every experience and emotion presents an opportunity to articulate them through Midjourney, much like creating an illustrated personal journal or a report of 'daydreams'.

What kind of message do you hope your art conveys to viewers?

Appreciate every little thing. Everything is beautiful. Open your eyes to what life gives us. And remember, it's okay to feel. Accept and show your emotions.

How do you see AI impacting the future of art, and where do you see yourself in that future?

I envision AI as a new medium impacting the future of art, akin to the advent of photography—a fresh tool for expression. We shouldn't fear it, but rather incorporate it into our creative routines. I can't predict where I'll be in the future, but my hope is to continue experiencing the joy I do today with Midjourney. It's therapeutic in a way. Creating emotional resonance through my images brings me immense pleasure, and I hope to keep stirring such feelings in everyone who encounters my work.

How do you engage with the AI art community, and what benefits have you gained from being a part of a large artistic community?

The AI art community is simply incredible! It's brimming with passionate individuals who show kindness and support towards each other. Competition is virtually non-existent here. Instead, we admire and share each other's work, which I find incredibly beautiful. Joining this community has renewed my faith in humanity. I would strongly encourage all AI artists out there to become a part of it.

What advice would you give to other women who are interested in AI art?

Don't let fear hold you back. Give it a try. If it doesn't work, try again. Seek advice from others. Remain humble. Engage with AI if it genuinely interests you, not just to follow a 'trend', make money, or for fame. Use it as a tool to actualize your dreams, articulate your thoughts, express your emotions. And most importantly, have fun!

For more of Floriane’s incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account: @floow.ai


006 Interview: Katie/katiemorris.art


004 Interview: Jillian/creative.principle