Meet Babka Robot!

Babka Robot (IG: @babka_robot) is a visionary artist from Riga, Latvia. Her style gracefully melds classical techniques with contemporary flair, blending oil paintings, photography, android robots, and avant-garde fashion.

Lauded for her mastery in capturing exquisite details and human emotion, questioning the lines between generated and tangible reality. With a delicate touch, she navigates artistic boundaries, crafting thought-provoking yet tasteful expressions.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in AI art?

I am a multidisciplinary artist based in Riga, Latvia. My educational background is in philology (literary studies) and cultural management, with a focus on fashion and design. I was amazed by the works generated with MidJourney that I came across on Instagram. On February 21, 2023, I wrote my first prompt, and by the 23rd I had created an Instagram account, and everything took off from there.

Who or what are your artistic inspirations?

My artistic inspiration comes from the history of art, ranging from architecture and music to fashion and product design.

How do you approach the creative process when working with AI?

My main approach to creating images is experimentation. As an artist with ADHD, who constantly needs to surprise myself to maintain interest, I am always devising various methods to create my works. I love to experiment, revamp my old works, add new prompts to them, prepare collages in advance, and mix different techniques and media in my prompts. A particular area of interest for me is erotica and sexuality in general. I enjoy finding ways to navigate restrictions to create PG+13 content, which led to my first account being blocked last autumn.

Can you share a specific artwork or moment that transformed your perspective on AI art?

Two weeks ago, Riga Fashion Week ended, for which I created the main look. Recently, I received a comment from a designer who also works with AI. She said she stood on the street for about 10 minutes in front of a poster, examining the freckles, moles on the model’s face, and the couture details of her wardrobe, and she couldn’t believe that it was a generated image.

How do you balance your work in AI art with other professional or personal pursuits?

Oh yes, I have a full-time job, and I am also a single mother of a teenager and a younger child with ADHD. Additionally, I have commercial orders related to AI generation. As a person with ADHD, I often struggle with balancing everything. However, creating AI images is a super quick way for me to receive a dopamine boost. It entertains me, allows me to explore my areas of interest, and develop my curatorial skills. Publishing my works is like playing with visibility, engaging with the new sincerity of metamodern authenticity. My only strategy: when in doubt, start generating images.

How has working with AI in art influenced your mental and emotional wellbeing?

This process is absolutely therapeutic for me, primarily as a cure for boredom. Also, after having children, I found myself with less free time for art, and with the help of AI, I can be an art director from the comfort of my couch.

How do you engage with the broader AI and digital artist community?

I live in a country with a northern mentality, where people are quite reserved with compliments, openness, and active reactions to creativity. I was so pleasantly surprised by the openness and support in the international AI artist community. I’ve made connections with creators all over the world and always enjoy chatting with them in private messages. The generosity and openness of other artists really support me. I am in love with AI artist community.

What advice or encouragement would you give to aspiring women and non-binary folks who are interested in pursuing AI art?

Embrace curiosity, learn continuously, join communities, showcase your work, address challenges head-on, believe in your unique perspective, be patient and persistent.

For more of Babka Robot’s incredible work, make sure to visit her Instagram account: @babka_robot


038 Interview: Mindeye


036 Interview: Ariel/ephemeralariel